WINCleveland Eastside/Lunch Monthly Meeting
Informal Networking begins at 11:30am;
Meeting starts promptly at 11:45am.

Today’s reality is that the concept of leadership has become diluted and misguided, often nothing more than basic management skills and training. The new model for leadership requires people with high levels of awareness and emotional intelligence who can empower, engage and align their team members. Most important, leadership today requires a fundamental shift in what it means to lead, especially relating to creating influence and impact in an organization. Key topics include impact awareness, vulnerable leadership, self-accountability, personal ownership, feedback, blind spots, tolerance assessment and leadership presence. It’s time to empower your leadership, your team and your impact. Leave with tools to accelerate your followership and your influence — to be a leader that people WANT to follow. These times call for courageous leaders who are prepared to meet these epic moments and times with more empathy and humanity than ever before, and your team are waiting for your 21st Century leadership. Get ready to shake up your leadership, team, organization and results.
Members Free Guests $10

Please reserve your space today by registering online. You will receive the link for the Zoom meeting. Only those pre-registered for this event will be admitted to the meeting.
Known as a Facilitator of Truth, Snow Globe Shaker and the Leader of Shift, Jeff Nischwitz, the Nischwitz Group, is a man on a mission – a mission to help people shift how they lead and thereby shift their leadership impact.
As an international leadership, culture and team engagement speaker, Jeff Nischwitz is known for his unique perspectives, for challenging traditional thinking, and for delivering tangible shifts for leaders to grow their people, build their businesses and enhance their relationships.
Jeff is the author of three books including his three most recent books: Unmask: Let Go of Who You’re “Supposed” to Be & Unleash Your True Leader (Motivational Press 2014); Arrows of Truth: Simple Shifts for Personal Transformation (Eagle Heart Press 2017) and Just One Step: Walking Backwards to the Present on the Camino Trail (Eagle Heart Press 2020).
Jeff works with a wide range of organizations on growing leaders, building engaged and empowered teams, accountability and achieving your whole other level of impact and influence.
We're looking forward to connecting with you!